Special Double Bandsaw
Do you need precise sizing, dimensioning or edging PIR/PUR rigid insulation foam blocks or – panels? We are your reliable partner and we offer tailor-made solutions.
Special Double Bandsaw
Our tailor-made Bandsaw Concepts fits to your requirements.
For precise sizing/dimensioning (edging) of your insulation blocks.
This concepts was developed for processing PIR/PUR Rigid Insulation Foam Blocks.
(PIR = Polyisocyanurate resp. Polyiso/ Isocyanate Molecular Structure)
Twin Bandsaw Line (infeed view)
Main technical features of only the bandsaw
Wheel dia.
Bandsaw blade width
Bandsaw blade length max.
Main drive motor
Bandsaw blade tension
Cutting height (variable)
Weight net
650 mm
19 or 25 mm
5,150 mm
3.7 kW
0.2 kW
~600-1,000 mm
~800 kg
Mechanization / Automation of the line (set) always tailor-made

Storch Industrie-Anlagen GmbH
Eilenau 123
GER 22089 Hamburg / Germany